This is kinda cool, and at least a nice time waster to be sure. The one thing I might suggest is that I don't like having to spam mouse clicks and would rather be able to just hold down the mouse button to spam slashes.
This is kinda cool, and at least a nice time waster to be sure. The one thing I might suggest is that I don't like having to spam mouse clicks and would rather be able to just hold down the mouse button to spam slashes.
Thanks for playing it and for your feedback!
There's a bug in that the HP doesn't get reset if you start a new run.
Other than that it's a nice and fun game, even if the runs that I've been RNG'ed so far have been easy. So far it doesn't seem like there's much use in the Throw ability since just pouring stats into the others looks like the way to go, but now that I've read through the author comments (it's amazing how many people don't look at them... even when they themselves are game devs ^_^) maybe I'll try a run focusing on it and trying to lower the enemy stats until I can beat them by slapping them around with a large trout.
Hah, can't believe I never noticed that. That's fixed now. :)
Throw becomes much more useful when you come up against enemies that have better stats than you, especially on harder difficulties. You can't really level or equip your way around a particularly strong enemy so that's when throwing items of Health -5 become more important. :)
If you've got the hang of the game, which it sounds like you have, then Hard difficulty is basically the 'gloves off' difficulty that I actually tested most of the time. >:)
Right now it seems like a lot of the edge of the game canvas is cut off. Make sure the game size that you set in the Unity editor and the size in the NewGrounds project page match up. Because right now I can't really figure out how to play after starting a new game since I can't see the whole screen, and the problem should be an easy thing to fix.
Thank you for letting me know. I have changed the window size.
The game mechanics are fairly simple but it actually came out pretty fun! The graphics are as cute as they could be considering the game is about a bunch of man-eating bugs, and there are nice visual effects like screen pulsing when firing some of the guns, glow effects, and the powerful sound of the ~1 shot/sec gun that give it a polished feel. The only nitpicky thing I noticed was that splashes of bug blood when you shoot them often seem like they appear after the shot has kinda passed through the bug, but that sort of thing only matters to an OCD game dev. The bossfight was a little easy but still cool. Overall, for a small game with one arena battle area, this was pretty solid.
Thanks for the feedback, and don't worry I'm aware of the bullet thing, it was part of a situation with the shotgun bullets once I update the game it will fit better
I hate everyone listed in the credits :)
Srsly, there did seem to be something a little bit off about the physics of gunfire momentum. I can't quite put my finger on it, but when I was going through the level with the long spike-walled corridors it seemed like I was losing altitude when the mouse was behind and below the guy but I would gain altitude when the mouse is at the same y-coordinate but directly below or in front of and below the guy, but I would've expected them to maintain the same altitude if you're calculating force as (distance from player to mouse) x (horizontal or vertical component of direction). It also seemed a little weird during the first big bossfight, although it's much harder for me to put my finger on exactly why.
If the game is still in development then it seems like there's some room to expand on the different uses of the different types of guns in later levels. And, you posted a game on NewGrounds without a cock joke when it has a freakin' statue of Michelangelo's David? Missed opportunity...
It's hinted at in the tutorial, but you actually have a max velocity cap. If you exceed the max velocity in any direction, control becomes a lot more droopy. In order to counteract it, you're intended to shoot in the opposite direction you're moving for short bursts.
It looks like it could become a good game, but with only one real level it's still pretty early in development.
I got tripped up from not realizing that you need to not only get the killer correct, but also find all relevant pieces of information and choose each of them and only them when you're making the accusation, or else get a losing screen with no indication that the suspect was correct but the selected clues weren't. I had the culprit correct on my first run but was missing one clue, and that really messed up my thought process trying to do it over.
I have to agree with LuckyDee that it seemed like a sorta arbitrary choice and I could have argued that another suspect was the perpetrator. If you think it would be possible to design cases where the clues narrow down the number of possible scenarios and only one person could have committed the crime based on the clues that are presented, then personally I think I'd prefer that approach.
First of all, thank you very much for your opinion.
As you say, there is only one level available, but that's to get feedback and fix any imperfections. Working only in a team of two, it is difficult to achieve the right balance of the game. There are a few things that could be better designed and we agree with that.
However, we hope you had a lot of fun after all. 🙂
For a point-n-click game, this was more logical than most (to the degree that any game with a note saying the door opens only for those mourning the death of a primate can be called logical) without pixel hunting, and at the parts where I was stuck for a bit I looked back in retrospect after finishing the game and felt like the game gave me everything I needed to eventually reach the answer. It's a well done homage to the Riddle games.
The graphics are gorgeous and the music is great. The gameplay itself felt like a nice action-strategy hybrid and, although I usually don't like games where players can grind for experience, the upgrade system added a nice level of depth to it and there wasn't really any grinding necessary. The only thing I didn't like is that sometimes I wasn't fully able to control what attack I was going to use -- either because I did a Swift Strike and wanted to do a Delay Strike next but couldn't because the hold time often led me to use the level 2 skill instead, or because I was doing a button hold attack and pressed the button just a little too soon before the previous attack animation ended and ended up doing something else instead. If there were some way of controlling it other than click and hold then I think I'd like the controls better.
I understand those issues. I thought it might pose problems for some people, mainly the Swift->Delay combo. I might make a small change and have the Mana regen stop right on the press of the screen.
Since this is played in Active Time the Click&Hold is the only mechanic viable (at least playing with a mouse). On a later instance (who knows), and have this be played on mobile only; I can drop buttons for the actions on the stage and have people finger tap the actions.
After all, this was only a 'prototype' for a RPG mechanic. But I'm glad it's still enjoyable for the most part.
Thank you for playing
ono I can't play RoboJesus: Kill Tests anymore because of Flash being ded ;_;_;
Yes I have three eyes don't judge.
You should be able to play it again now. Just need to get the latest ng player-
If you like hard games try my Daxolissian System series
Read the manual & try stuff
So Cal
Joined on 2/13/10