Overall it's nice, and since this is an early build and you asked for some comments here are my suggestions.
The biggest ones are that I'd recommend not showing the targets for where you should move the blocks in any scene except the tutorial. It just seems weird having "tutorial-ness" extend that far into the game. And it looks like you can't just freely place the blocks anywhere -- they'll automatically slide either to their target or back to their original position as soon as you let go of the mouse. Obviously that wouldn't be a good mechanic if you're ultimately planning to use it as a puzzle component later in the game and making the player figure out a good set of block positions to finish the level. I might also recommend nerfing the bow some, since once I figured out that you can use it on any enemies and it'll usually be easier than slashing I quit slashing.
The rest are more minor; there were a few things that seemed a little janky which is understandable for an early release but could be polished. At the last flag on the right of the screen before the final enemy weird things can happen if you're running against the rightmost wall and jumping up to the platforms like getting stuck and not playing the jumping animation. Having the HP bar be able to drop below zero looks kinda sloppy but would be an easy thing to fix. Some of the enemy swirly death effects make the swirly-ness extend outside of the box that it's drawn in so it gets cut off. Personally I'm not sure I like the swirly thing on death but if you decide to keep it then that could be tweaked. The worm-like enemies seem to jitter in place when they're standing idle. There are background sprites that look a whole lot like spikes but don't actually kill you; I'd not use those like that.
Also would recommend making the slash and arrow buttons be keyboard keys instead of mouse buttons, and letting up arrow jump (left and right arrows already walk) to make things easier for AZERTY keyboards and people who just prefer arrows instead of WASD.