Overall it was a nice retro point-n-click game, and while I'm not typically a big point-n-click game fan I can appreciate it. The series as a whole is becoming somewhat memorable as I recognize the style of the previous episodes, although moreso because of the retro styling than the horror/mystery element. Getting a stronger horror/mystery ambiance might be difficult with retro graphics and sound, but the Last Door and Deep Sleep series did it well so it's not impossible, and I get the feeling that it could take the series to another level.
As for the game's puzzles, there was one item that I thought was too much of a pixel hunt to find, and I'm a little ashamed to admit how much time I spent trying to figure out how to enter 11, 9, 2 as a three digit combination.
Edit: I was going based on the room with a lot of barrels -- there was a pile of 11, a pile of 9, and a pile of 2 without any other purpose that I could remember. So I figured they were the three numbers and tried all sorts of stuff like just counting the top row, just the bottom row, taking the difference between the top and bottom rows, and some other things I can't remember.