Edit: This tutorial is written for Godot 3.x (where x is approximately 5) and not Godot 4. If you're making a web game, currently I would NOT recommend using Godot 4 because the docs mention that web exports won't run on macOS or iOS devices. Hopefully that will change in the future, but Godot 3 works perfectly well for web exports.
Godot doesn't seem to have great tutorials. The official Godot docs have the example Dodge the Creeps game, but it doesn't seem like it would teach a new game dev enough to be ready to make their own first game.
And I recently finished making All the King's Men for the Brackeys Game Jam, which is a tiny game in Godot that uses a lot of the fundamental concepts needed to make a game while not being overwhelming. So I wrote a tutorial on how I made it.
This is intended for people who have at least installed Godot and finished making Dodge the Creeps and are looking for a good next step, and might also be useful for people who've already made some games in Godot but weren't happy with how things turned out or who just want to see if there are better approaches.
I'm hoping that if you're sharp and go into it with an idea for a game you'd like to make, then this will show you ways of doing things that you can adapt for your purposes (or maybe adapt your idea to fit what can be done, but hopefully stay reasonably true to it). I'm not a professional programmer and might not be doing things the "right" way, but I made Quad so decide for yourself whether I'm qualified to write a tutorial for beginner / intermediate programming in Godot.
That's enough of an intro, if this is for you then it's time to get started with the tutorial.
Are my eyes decieving me? Somebody gave their tutorial a propper introduction before putting a link to it? And linked to a 2nd Newgrounds page instead of some random external site I never heard of? SOMEBODY PINCH ME!
Yeah, and if you go through it lemme know what you think -- whether certain parts are unclear or I go off on too many tangents or if it's just right.
If it's good I might add pictures and write to the Godot folks to see if they want to add it to the Godot docs either as a link in their Tutorials and Resources page or by importing the whole tutorial onto their own site so other Godot devs aren't like "WTF is this sketchy-ass site called Newgrounds?"