Whoa, neat! When was cloud save added to the newgrounds API? I'd completely forgotten about it!
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So Cal
Joined on 2/13/10
Whoa, neat! When was cloud save added to the newgrounds API? I'd completely forgotten about it!
AFAIK two days ago. At least that's when this post went up https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1507547 and I heard about it from Uneven Prankster while working on the Mobile Jam.
@3p0ch I think Tom kinda buried the lede with that post, I completely skipped over it. Looks like I'll be experimenting around with the API this weekend.
is there a way to add it to your gdevelop one as well?
I can't think of an obvious way of doing it in GDevelop because it would need to be set up to handle asynchronous processes -- basically the game needs to send a request to the NewGrounds API and go on about its business, but set things up so that a function will be waiting for the reply and able to let the game know that the saved data arrived whenever it makes it in from the cloud. It didn't look like GDevelop had a way of handling a JavaScript callback like that, but maybe I'll find a way if I screw around with it enough.
When cloud saving for scratchjr
Impressive! Thank you for giving that engine some more love!